Artinya Sk8er Boi | Avril Lavigne
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
He was a boy, she was a girl
Dia seorang cowok, ia seorang cewek
Can I make it any more obvious?
Bisakah kuperjelas lagi?
He was a punk, she did ballet
Dia seorang punk, ia penari balet
What more can I say?
Apa lagi yang dapat kukatakan?
He wanted her, she'd never tell
Cowok itu menginginkannya, cewek itu tak pernah bilang
Secretly she wanted him as well
Diam-diam ia juga menginginkannya
But all of her friends stuck up their nose
Tapi teman-temannya tak suka
They had a dilema with his baggy clothes
Cewek-cewek itu tak suka dengan pakaian longgar si cowok
He was a skater boy
Dia yaitu pemuda skater
She said, "See ya later boy"
Kata cewek itu, "Sampai jumpa boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Cowok itu tak cukup baik untuknya
She had a pretty face
Wajah cewek itu cantik
But her head was up in space
Tapi pikirannya di awang-awang
She needed to come back down to earth
Dia harus turun ke bumi
Five years from now she sits at home
Lima tahun yang akan datang, cewek itu duduk di rumah
Feeding the baby she's all alone
Menyusui bayi, ia sendirian
She turns on TV, guess who she sees?
Dia menyalakan TV, tebak siapa yang ia lihat?
Skater boy rockin up MTV
Si pemuda skater mengguncang MTV
She calls up her friends, they already know
Cewek itu menghubungi teman-temannya, mereka sudah tahu
And they've all got tickets to see his show
Dan mereka semua sudah membeli tiket untuk melihat pertunjukannya
She tags along, stands in the crowd
Cewek itu ikut-ikutan, berdesak-desakan
Looks up at the man that she turned down
Memandangi laki-laki yang dulu ia tolak
He was a skater boy
Dia seorang pemuda skater
She said, "See ya later boy"
Cewek itu berkata, "Sampai jumpa boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Cowok itu tak cukup baik baginya
Now he's a super star
Kini pemuda itu yaitu seorang superstar
Slamming on his guitar
Menggenjreng gitarnya
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Apakah wajah cantikmu itu melihat kehebatannya?
Sorry girl but you missed out
Maaf, tapi kamu ketinggalan
Well tough luck that boy's mine now
Beruntungnya diriku, pemuda itu sekarang milikku
We are more than just good friends
Kami lebih dari sekedar sahabat
This is how the story ends
Beginilah final ceritanya
Too bad that you couldn't see
Kasihan kamu tak dapat melihat
See the man that boy could be
Melihat dapat jadi seorang cowok
There is more than meets the eye
Ada lebih dari sekedar yang dilihat mata
I see the soul that is inside
Kulihat jiwa di dalamnya
He's just a boy
Dia hanya seorang cowok
And I'm just a girl
Dan saya hanya seorang cewek
Can I make it anymore obvious?
Bisakah kuperjelas lagi?
We are in love
Kami jatuh cinta
Haven't you heard
Belumkah kamu dengar
How we rock each others world?
Bagaimana kami saling mengguncang dunia?
I'm with the skater boy
Aku bersama pemuda skater
I said, "See ya later boy"
Kataku, "Sampai jumpa boy"
I'll be backstage after the show
Aku kan menunggumu di belakang panggung sehabis pertunjukan
I'll be at the studio
Aku kan menemanimu di studio
Singing the song we wrote
Menyanyikan lagu yang kita tulis
About a girl you used to know
Tentang seorang cewek yang dulu kamu kenal
Dia seorang cowok, ia seorang cewek
Can I make it any more obvious?
Bisakah kuperjelas lagi?
He was a punk, she did ballet
Dia seorang punk, ia penari balet
What more can I say?
Apa lagi yang dapat kukatakan?
He wanted her, she'd never tell
Cowok itu menginginkannya, cewek itu tak pernah bilang
Secretly she wanted him as well
Diam-diam ia juga menginginkannya
But all of her friends stuck up their nose
Tapi teman-temannya tak suka
They had a dilema with his baggy clothes
Cewek-cewek itu tak suka dengan pakaian longgar si cowok
He was a skater boy
Dia yaitu pemuda skater
She said, "See ya later boy"
Kata cewek itu, "Sampai jumpa boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Cowok itu tak cukup baik untuknya
She had a pretty face
Wajah cewek itu cantik
But her head was up in space
Tapi pikirannya di awang-awang
She needed to come back down to earth
Dia harus turun ke bumi
Five years from now she sits at home
Lima tahun yang akan datang, cewek itu duduk di rumah
Feeding the baby she's all alone
Menyusui bayi, ia sendirian
She turns on TV, guess who she sees?
Dia menyalakan TV, tebak siapa yang ia lihat?
Skater boy rockin up MTV
Si pemuda skater mengguncang MTV
She calls up her friends, they already know
Cewek itu menghubungi teman-temannya, mereka sudah tahu
And they've all got tickets to see his show
Dan mereka semua sudah membeli tiket untuk melihat pertunjukannya
She tags along, stands in the crowd
Cewek itu ikut-ikutan, berdesak-desakan
Looks up at the man that she turned down
Memandangi laki-laki yang dulu ia tolak
He was a skater boy
Dia seorang pemuda skater
She said, "See ya later boy"
Cewek itu berkata, "Sampai jumpa boy"
He wasn't good enough for her
Cowok itu tak cukup baik baginya
Now he's a super star
Kini pemuda itu yaitu seorang superstar
Slamming on his guitar
Menggenjreng gitarnya
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?
Apakah wajah cantikmu itu melihat kehebatannya?
Sorry girl but you missed out
Maaf, tapi kamu ketinggalan
Well tough luck that boy's mine now
Beruntungnya diriku, pemuda itu sekarang milikku
We are more than just good friends
Kami lebih dari sekedar sahabat
This is how the story ends
Beginilah final ceritanya
Too bad that you couldn't see
Kasihan kamu tak dapat melihat
See the man that boy could be
There is more than meets the eye
Ada lebih dari sekedar yang dilihat mata
I see the soul that is inside
Kulihat jiwa di dalamnya
He's just a boy
Dia hanya seorang cowok
And I'm just a girl
Dan saya hanya seorang cewek
Can I make it anymore obvious?
Bisakah kuperjelas lagi?
We are in love
Kami jatuh cinta
Haven't you heard
Belumkah kamu dengar
How we rock each others world?
Bagaimana kami saling mengguncang dunia?
I'm with the skater boy
Aku bersama pemuda skater
I said, "See ya later boy"
Kataku, "Sampai jumpa boy"
I'll be backstage after the show
Aku kan menunggumu di belakang panggung sehabis pertunjukan
I'll be at the studio
Aku kan menemanimu di studio
Singing the song we wrote
Menyanyikan lagu yang kita tulis
About a girl you used to know
Tentang seorang cewek yang dulu kamu kenal