Artinya The Sun | Maroon 5
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
After school
Sepulang sekolah
Walking home
Berjalan pulang
Fresh dirt under my fingernails
Kotoran di ujung kuku jariku
And I can smell hot asphalt
Dan tercium olehku wangi aspal panas
Cars screech to a halt to let me pass
Mobil-mobil berdenyit berhenti tuk biarkanku lewat
And I cannot remember
Dan tak dapat kuingat
What life was like through photographs
Seperti apa hidupku dulu lewat foto
Trying to recreate images life gives us from our past
Mencoba munculkan kembali gambar masa kemudian hidup kita
And sometimes it's a sad song
Dan terkadang itu lagu sedih
But I cannot forget
Tapi tak dapat kulupa
Refuse to regret
Aku menolak menyesali
So glad I met you
Begitu bahagia saya bertemu denganmu
Take my breath away
Make everyday
Jadikanlah setiap hari
Worth all of the pain that I've gone through
Layak dengan luka yang tlah kulalui
And mama I've been cryin'
Dan mama saya menangis
Cause things ain't how they used to be
Karenanya segalanya sekarang tlah berubah
She said, the battle's almost won
Dia berkata, perang hampir dimenangkan
And we're only several miles from the sun
Dan kita tinggal beberapa mil dari matahari
Moving on down my street
Terus lanjutkan langkahku
I see people I won't ever meet
Kulihat orang-orang yang takkan kutemui
I think of her, take a breath
Terpikirku padanya, menghirup nafas
Feel the beat in the rhythm of my steps
Rasakan detak dalam irama langkahku
And sometimes its a sad song
Dan terkadang itu lagu sedih
The rhythm of the conversation
Irama percakapan
The perfection of her creation
Kesempurnaan wujudnya
The s*x she slipped into my coffee
S*ks yang dimasukkannya ke dalam kopiku
The way she felt when she first saw me
Perasaannya saat pertama kali ia bertemu denganku
Hate to love and love to hate her
Benci tuk mencinta dan suka tuk membencinya
Like a broken record player
Seperti pemutar kaset yang rusak
Back and forth and here and gone
Mundur dan maju dan di sini dan pergi
and on and on and on and on
Dan begitu seterusnya
Sepulang sekolah
Walking home
Berjalan pulang
Fresh dirt under my fingernails
Kotoran di ujung kuku jariku
And I can smell hot asphalt
Dan tercium olehku wangi aspal panas
Cars screech to a halt to let me pass
Mobil-mobil berdenyit berhenti tuk biarkanku lewat
And I cannot remember
Dan tak dapat kuingat
What life was like through photographs
Seperti apa hidupku dulu lewat foto
Trying to recreate images life gives us from our past
Mencoba munculkan kembali gambar masa kemudian hidup kita
And sometimes it's a sad song
Dan terkadang itu lagu sedih
But I cannot forget
Tapi tak dapat kulupa
Refuse to regret
Aku menolak menyesali
So glad I met you
Begitu bahagia saya bertemu denganmu
Take my breath away
Make everyday
Jadikanlah setiap hari
Worth all of the pain that I've gone through
Layak dengan luka yang tlah kulalui
And mama I've been cryin'
Dan mama saya menangis
Cause things ain't how they used to be
Karenanya segalanya sekarang tlah berubah
She said, the battle's almost won
Dia berkata, perang hampir dimenangkan
And we're only several miles from the sun
Dan kita tinggal beberapa mil dari matahari
Moving on down my street
Terus lanjutkan langkahku
I see people I won't ever meet
Kulihat orang-orang yang takkan kutemui
I think of her, take a breath
Terpikirku padanya, menghirup nafas
Feel the beat in the rhythm of my steps
Rasakan detak dalam irama langkahku
And sometimes its a sad song
Dan terkadang itu lagu sedih
The rhythm of the conversation
Irama percakapan
The perfection of her creation
Kesempurnaan wujudnya
The s*x she slipped into my coffee
S*ks yang dimasukkannya ke dalam kopiku
The way she felt when she first saw me
Perasaannya saat pertama kali ia bertemu denganku
Hate to love and love to hate her
Benci tuk mencinta dan suka tuk membencinya
Like a broken record player
Seperti pemutar kaset yang rusak
Back and forth and here and gone
Mundur dan maju dan di sini dan pergi
and on and on and on and on
Dan begitu seterusnya