Artinya Seasons In The Sun | Westlife

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
Selamat tinggal, sobat baikku
We've known each other since we
Kita tlah saling mengenal semenjak kita
were nine or ten
Berumur sembilan atau sepuluh tahun
Together we've climbed hills and trees
Bersama tlah kita panjat bukit dan pepohonan
Learned of love and ABC's
Belajar perihal cinta dan ABC
Skinned our hearts and
Menggores hati kita dan
Skinned our knees
Menggores lutut kita

Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
Selamat tinggal kawan, berat rasanya harus mati
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Saat burung-burung berkicau di langit
Now that spring is in the air
Karena sekarang trend semi tlah tiba
Pretty girls are everywhere
Gadis-gadis manis ada di mana-manaThink of me and I'll be there
Pikirkanlah saya maka saya kan besamamu

We had joy we had fun
Kita tlah bercengkrama dan bersenang-senang
We had seasons in the sun
Kita tlah lewati banyak sekali musimBut the hills that we climbed
Tapi bukit yang kita daki
Were just seasons out of time
Hanyalah trend yang lekang oleh waktu

Goodbye papa please pray for me
Selamat tinggal ayah, doakanlah aku
I was the black sheep of the family
Aku si anak bandel dalam keluarga
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Kau tlah coba mengajariku tuk bedakan yang benar dan salah
Too much wine and too much song
Terlalu banyak anggur dan lagu
Wonder how I got along
Entahlah bagaimana saya dapat menghadapinya

Goodbye papa it's hard to die
Selamat tinggal ayah, berat rasanya harus mati
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Saat burung-burung berkicauan di langit
Now that the spring is in the air
Karena sekarang trend semi tlah tiba
Little children everywhere
Anak kecil di mana-mana
When you see them I'll be there
Bila kamu lihat mereka, maka kamu sedang melihatku



    Goodbye michelle my little one
    Selamat tinggal Michelle, kekasihku
    You gave me love and helped me find the sun
    Dan beriku cinta dan membantuku temukan matahari
    And every time that I was down
    Dan tiap kali saya bersedih
    You would always come around
    Kau selalu menemani
    And get my feet back on the ground
    Dan menceriakanku lagi

    Goodbye michelle it's hard to die
    Selamat tinggal Michelle, sulit rasanya harus mati
    When all the birds are singing in the sky
    Saat burung-burung berkicauan di langit
    Now that the spring is in the air
    Karena sekarang trend semi tlah tiba 
    With the flowers everywhere
    Bunga tumbuh di mana-mana
    I wish that we could both be there
    Andai kita berdua dapat menikmatinya

    CHORUS (4x)

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