Artinya My Destiny | Katharine Mcphee

I have always dreamed of this
Tlah usang saya memimpikannya

I'll admit that there was something I missed
Kuakui ada sesuatu yang kulewatkan

Wonderin' if it is for real
Bertanya-tanya apakah semua ini nyata

Every mistake, every wrong turn
Setiap kesalahan, setiap kekeliruan

Every time I lost my way
Setiap kali saya hilang arah

Led me to this, moment of bliss, tonight
Menuntunku ke ketika senang ini, malam ini

With you, finally I can break free
Bersamamu, hasilnya kubisa bebas

With you, I saw a changing in my destiny
Bersamamu, kulihat perubahan dalam takdirku

Dream come true, it's so funny now that I see
Mimpi terwujud, sungguh lucu sekarang dapat kulihat

How different life turned out to be
Betapa bedanya hidupku sekarang

You were always by my side
Kau selalu di sisiku

That you believed in me was enough reason why
Bahwa kamu percaya padaku tlah cukup jadi alasan mengapa

I didn't stop, didn't give up
Aku tak berhenti, tak menyerah

Even if I sometimes lost hope
Meskipun kadang ku kehilangan harapan

I did my best, and I am blessed
Kulakukan yang terbaik, dan saya diberkati

In life
Dalam hidup

With you, finally I can break free
Bersamamu, hasilnya kubisa bebas

With you, I saw a changing in my destiny
Bersamamu, kulihat perubahan dalam takdirku

Dream come true, it's so funny now that I see
Mimpi terwujud, sungguh lucu sekarang dapat kulihat

How different life turned out to be
Betapa bedanya hidupku kini

Can I get any higher
Bisakah saya lebih tinggi lagi

Tell me, does it get any stronger?
Katakan padaku, apakah semakin kuat?

I owe it to you, that I made it through
Aku berhutang padamu, sampai dapat kulewati semua ini

I never could've done it, without you
Tak mungkin dapat kulakukan ini tanpamu

With you, finally I can break free
Bersamamu, hasilnya kubisa bebas

With you, I saw a changing in my destiny
Bersamamu, kulihat perubahan dalam takdirku

Dream come true, it's so funny now that I see
Mimpi terwujud, sungguh lucu sekarang dapat kulihat

How different life turned out to be
Betapa bedanya hidupku kini

Oh, cause of you, I saw a changing in my destiny
Oh, alasannya yaitu dirimu, kulihat perubahan dalam takdirku

Dream come true, it's so funny now that I see
Mimpi terwujud, sungguh lucu sekarang dapat kulihat

How different life turned out to be
Betapa bedanya hidup ternyata

I've realized that it's my destiny
Tlah kusadari inilah takdirku

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