Irreplaceable | Beyonce

Irreplaceable - Beyonce Knowles | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

To the left, to the left
Enyahlah, enyahlah

To the left, to the left
Enyahlah, enyahlah

To the left, to the left
Enyahlah, enyahlah

Everything you own in the box to the left
Semua barangmu ada di kotak, enyahlah

In the closet that's my stuff, yes
Di lemari, itu semua barangku, ya

If I bought it please don't touch
Jika dulu aku  yang beli, jangan kau sentuh

And keep talking that mess, that's fine
Dan teruslah bicara perihal kekacauan itu, tak apa

But could you walk and talk at the same time?
Tapi bisakah kau berjalan dan bicara secara bersamaan?

And it's my mine name that is on that tag
Dan yang tertulis di label itu ialah namaku

So remove your bags let me call you a cab
Maka singkirkan tasmu, biar kutelpon taksi untukmu

Standing in the front yard telling me
Berdiri di halaman depan dan memberitahuku

How I'm such a fool, talking about
Betapa bodohnya diriku, bicara tentang

How I'll never ever find a man like you
Betapa saya takkan temukan pria sepertimu

You got me twisted
Kau membuatku muak

You must not know 'bout me
Kau pasti tak kenal aku

You must not know 'bout me
Kau pasti tak kenal aku

I could have another you in a minute
Dalama semenit mampu kudapatkan orang sepertimu

Matter fact she'll be here in a minute, baby
Kenyataannya, selingkuhanmu itu kan di sini dalam semenit, kasih

You must not know 'bout me
Kau pasti tak kenal aku

You must not know 'bout me
Kau pasti tak kenal aku

I can have another you by tomorrow
Esok saya sudah mampu dapatkan pria sepertimu

So don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable
Maka jangan sekali-kali berpikir kau tak tergantikan

So go ahead and get gone
Teruskanlah dan pergilah

And call up that chick and see if she's home
Dan telponlah cewek itu dan lihat apakah dia di rumah

Oops, I bet ya thought that I didn't know
Ups, saya berani bertaruh kau pikir saya tak tahu

What did you think I was putting you out for?
Kau pikir sebab apa saya mengusirmu?

Because you was untrue
Karena kau tak setia

Rolling her around in the car that I bought you
Membawanya jalan-jalan naik mobil yang kubelikan untukmu

Baby drop them keys
Kasih, lemparkan kunci itu

Hurry up before your taxi leaves
Cepatlah sebelum taksimu pergi

Back to IV, V, VI

So since I'm not your everything
Jadi, karena saya bukan segalanya bagimu

How about I'll be nothing, nothing at all to you
Bagaimana jikalau saya tak jadi apa-apamu

Baby I won't shed a tear for you
Kasih saya takkan menangisimu

I won't lose a wink of sleep
Aku takkan kehilangan sedetik pun tidurku


    'Cause the truth of the matter is replacing you is so easy
    Karena kenyataannya, menggantikanmu sungguh mudah

    To the left, to the left
    Enyahlah, enyahlah

    To the left, to the left
    Enyahlah, enyahlah

    To the left, to the left
    Enyahlah, enyahlah

    Everything you own in the box to the left
    Semua barangmu ada di kotak, enyahlah

    To the left, to the left
    Enyahlah, enyahlah

    Don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable
    Jangan sekali-sekali berpikir kau tak tergantikan

    Back to V, VI, V

    You could pack all your bags, we're finished
    Kau boleh kemasi tasmu, korelasi kita sampai di sini

    (You must not know 'bout me)
    (Kau pasti tak kenal aku)

    'Cause you made your bed, now lay in it
    Karena kau tlah rapikan ranjang, kini berbaringlah

    (You must not know 'bout me)
    (Kau pasti tak kenal aku)

    I can have another you by tomorrow
    Aku mampu dapatkan orang sepertimu esok

    Don't you ever for a second get to thinking you're irreplaceable
    Jangan pernah sekali-sekali berpikir kau tak tergantikan


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