Artinya Therapy | India.Arie
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Oh, oh oh, oh oh
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, hey
Oh, oh oh oh
Yeah yeah, yeah
(I, I, I) I need your therapy
(Aku, aku, aku) saya butuh terapimu
(I, I, I) I need you to come and lay hands on me
(Aku, aku, aku) saya butuh kamu tiba dan menyentuhku
(I, I, I) I need your therapy (therapy, therapy)
(Aku, aku, aku) saya butuh terapimu (terapi, terapi)
He lays me on the couch and says
Dia baringkanku di dipan dan berkata
"How has your day been?
"Bagaimana kabarmu?
Tell me your problems
Beritahu saya masalahmu
I'll help you solve them
Aku kan membantumu memecahkannya
Come on let's talk about it"
Ayolah, mari kita bicarakan"
He sits next to me and smiles
Dia duduk di sampingku dan tersenyum
Listens to all of my words
Mendengarkan semua kata-kataku
Relaxes all of my nerves
Tenangkan semua syarafku
Like breathe in (breathe out)
Tarik nafas (menghembuskan)
Let it go (shout it out)
Lepaskan semuanya (ungkapkan)
Take deep breaths, now
Ambil nafas dalam-dalam
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, hey
Oh, oh oh oh
Yeah yeah, yeah
(I, I, I) I need your therapy
(Aku, aku, aku) saya butuh terapimu
(I, I, I) I need you to come and lay hands on me
(Aku, aku, aku) saya butuh kamu tiba dan menyentuhku
(I, I, I) I need your therapy (therapy, therapy)
(Aku, aku, aku) saya butuh terapimu (terapi, terapi)
He lays me on the couch and says
Dia baringkanku di dipan dan berkata
"How has your day been?
"Bagaimana kabarmu?
Tell me your problems
Beritahu saya masalahmu
I'll help you solve them
Aku kan membantumu memecahkannya
Come on let's talk about it"
Ayolah, mari kita bicarakan"
He sits next to me and smiles
Dia duduk di sampingku dan tersenyum
Listens to all of my words
Mendengarkan semua kata-kataku
Relaxes all of my nerves
Tenangkan semua syarafku
Like breathe in (breathe out)
Tarik nafas (menghembuskan)
Let it go (shout it out)
Lepaskan semuanya (ungkapkan)
Take deep breaths, now
Ambil nafas dalam-dalam
Real slow, calm down
Pelan-pelan, tenanglah
Close my eyes (so slow)
Kupejamkan mata (pelan-pelan)
Ease my mind (take control)
Tenangkan pikiranku (ambil kendali)
Follow my body please
Susuri tubuhku
Work your psychology
Lakukan psikologi-mu
You've taken good care of me
Kau tlah menjagaku dengan baik
Always been there for me
Selalu ada untukku
Boy I can't bare to leave
Aku tak dapat pergi
Cause I need your therapy
Karena saya butuh terapimu
You've given me everything
Kau tlah memberiku segalanya
So much I ever could need
Semua yang kubutuhkan
Without you I'm weak in the knees
Tanpamu saya lemah tak berdaya
I need your therapy
Aku butuh terapimu
Back to I
He puts his hand on my lower back,
Dia letakkan tangannya di punggungku
His face in my neck and,
Wajahnya di leherku dan
Says something to make me laugh
Mengatakan sesuatu yang membuatku tertawa
Makes me forget I was mad
Membuatku lupa saya sedang marah
His touch feels so right
Sentuhannya terasa menenangkan
It's like it's reading my mind, yeah
Seakan dapat membaca pikiranku
I need him all the time
Aku selalu membutuhkannya
Back to III, IV, V, VI, I
Yeah, Yeah
When it feels like I'm losing power
Saat rasanya saya hilang daya
When I feel like a wilted flower
Saat saya merasa ibarat bunga yang layu
The way you touch me says I'm there for you
Caramu menyentuhku menyampaikan saya ada untukmu
It heals me just to hear you say (I love you)
Mendengarmu ucapkan saya mencintaimu saja sudah menyembuhkanku
Back to V, VI (2x)
Oh, oh oh oh
(I need your therapy)
(Aku butuh terapimu)
(I need your therapy)
(Aku butuh terapimu)
Pelan-pelan, tenanglah
Close my eyes (so slow)
Kupejamkan mata (pelan-pelan)
Ease my mind (take control)
Tenangkan pikiranku (ambil kendali)
Follow my body please
Susuri tubuhku
Work your psychology
Lakukan psikologi-mu
You've taken good care of me
Kau tlah menjagaku dengan baik
Always been there for me
Selalu ada untukku
Boy I can't bare to leave
Aku tak dapat pergi
Cause I need your therapy
Karena saya butuh terapimu
You've given me everything
Kau tlah memberiku segalanya
So much I ever could need
Semua yang kubutuhkan
Without you I'm weak in the knees
Tanpamu saya lemah tak berdaya
I need your therapy
Aku butuh terapimu
Back to I
He puts his hand on my lower back,
Dia letakkan tangannya di punggungku
His face in my neck and,
Wajahnya di leherku dan
Says something to make me laugh
Mengatakan sesuatu yang membuatku tertawa
Makes me forget I was mad
Membuatku lupa saya sedang marah
His touch feels so right
Sentuhannya terasa menenangkan
It's like it's reading my mind, yeah
Seakan dapat membaca pikiranku
I need him all the time
Aku selalu membutuhkannya
Back to III, IV, V, VI, I
Yeah, Yeah
When it feels like I'm losing power
Saat rasanya saya hilang daya
When I feel like a wilted flower
Saat saya merasa ibarat bunga yang layu
The way you touch me says I'm there for you
Caramu menyentuhku menyampaikan saya ada untukmu
It heals me just to hear you say (I love you)
Mendengarmu ucapkan saya mencintaimu saja sudah menyembuhkanku
Back to V, VI (2x)
Oh, oh oh oh
(I need your therapy)
(Aku butuh terapimu)
(I need your therapy)
(Aku butuh terapimu)