Artinya Written In The Stars | Westlife

Stay with me
Tetaplah bersamaku

Don't fall asleep too soon
Jangan terlelap terlalu cepat
The angels can wait
Para malaikat dapat menunggu
For a moment
Sebentar saja
Come real close
Mendekatlah padaku
Forget the world outside
Lupakan dunia di luar sana
Tonight we're alone
Malam ini kita sendiri
It's finally you and I
Akhirnya hanya kamu dan aku

It wasn't meant to feel like this
Aku tak ditakdirkan untuk merasa menyerupai ini
Not without you
Tidak jikalau tanpamu

'Cause when I look at my life
Karena ketika kurenungkan hidupku
How the pieces fall into place
Betapa semuanya kupahami
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
Takkan berirama tanpa dirimu
When I see how my path
Saat kulihat bagaimana jalanku
Seem to end up before your face
Tampak berakhir di hadapanmu
The state of my heart
Suasana hatiku
The place where we are
Tempat di mana kita
Was written in the stars
Tertulis di bintang

Don't be afraid
Jangan takut
I'll be right by your side
Aku kan selalu berada di sisimu
Through the laughter and pain
Dalam tangis dan tawa
Together we're about to fly
Bersama kita kan terbang

I wasn't meant to love like this
Aku tak ditakdirkan tuk menyayangi menyerupai ini


    Not without you
    Tidak jikalau tanpamu


    I made a few mistakes, yeah
    Kulakukan beberapa kesalahan
    Like sometimes we do
    Seperti yang kita semua kadang lakukan
    Been through lot of heartaches
    Telah lewati banyak sakit hati
    But I made it back to you
    Tapi saya berhasil kembali padamu

    CHORUS (2x)

    The state of my heart
    Suasana hatiku
    The place where we are
    Tempat dimana kita
    Was written in the stars
    Tertulis di bintang

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